A Place for Straight Razor Stuff
Jnats, Tennen Toishi, Honzan, Honyama - all types, finishers, mid-range, and very coarse stones also.
Nagura – Various types of Tomo Nagura and all kinds of Asano Stamped Mikawa Shiro Nagura can be found here.
Razor Hones – this gallery features a variety of interesting natural and synthetic whetstones from across the globe.
Straight Razor Strops - all kinds; leather, horsehide, linen, fire hose, cotton.
Vintage Straights and Safety Razors
Straight Razor Honing.
Vintage Shaving Soaps
Shaving Brushes - New, old, restored, vintage, NOS & custom.
Fun Stuff – Shaving Ephemera, collectibles, odds & ends, etc.